Motorcycle accidents can be catastrophic, but knowing what steps to follow after a motorcycle accident can minimize the risk of further injury and ensure you receive adequate compensation for damages. Read more about six essential steps you should take after a motorcycle accident, from getting off the road to getting help from an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer like our experts at The Wolf Pack®. Our team of motorcycle accident attorneys will fight for you like you’re a member of our pack.

Wheel lies in road after motorcycle accidentStay Calm And Remember These Steps

After a motorcycle accident, the first thing you must do is stay calm. While this can be difficult, it’s vital to avoid critical errors that could injure you further or hurt your chances for compensation. Once it is safe and if you are capable of moving on your own, begin following these steps:

1. Safely Get Off the Road

After an accident, get off the road as soon as it is safe. When you linger on the road after your wreck, you put yourself and other drivers at further risk. Two more important things to remember when getting off the road:

  • Do not try to move your bike. It is now evidence in your motorcycle accident case. Moving it could jeopardize your ability to receive maximum compensation for your damages.
  • Keep your safety gear on until emergency officials arrive, and leave it on until they say you can take it off. Your motorcycle gear can support your body in case of injury, and taking it off can worsen any injuries you have.

2. Call First Responders No Matter What

Even if you don’t feel hurt, call 911 right away. Everyone involved in the accident should get looked at by medical professionals. Some injuries can take weeks to present, and adrenaline released after a wreck can mask the pain from an injury. So getting examined at the scene can help you identify injuries you might not feel at that moment but may flare up later on.

3. Thoroughly Assess and Document the Scene

Once everyone is clear of immediate danger, start documenting the accident scene as thoroughly as possible. Make detailed notes and diagrams, and take photos from every possible angle. The more detailed your evidence, the stronger your case will be later.

Woman talking to police after getting into a motorcycle accident4. Always File a Police Report

Police reports may not be admissible as evidence in Tennessee, but they can play an essential role in your case. You will have to tell your story many times in the months following your accident, and a police report can help you remember important details you might otherwise forget. So it’s a vital point of reference for accurately recalling the events before, during, and after your wreck.

5. Tell Your Insurance Company Exactly What Happened

Report the accident to your insurance company. Don’t try to put a spin on it. Only report the facts: You were in an accident, this was the level of damage, another car hit you, etc. Don’t place blame or expand on the facts, even if the insurance company presses you.

6. Call The Wolf Pack®

Finally, contact an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer to handle your case. The Wolf Pack® at Phillip S. Georges, PLLC, will fight for you like you’re a member of our pack. Let us handle your case and give you the best shot at getting significant compensation for your injuries. Get your free case review online today or contact us directly by calling 615-505-5555.