It’s no secret that the road can be a dangerous place on any given day. When you’re out driving around Nashville, whether you’re on I-65, I-40, or I-24, it’s not uncommon to see car accidents along the way. These accidents can be even scarier than others because typically on the interstate everyone is traveling at a high rate of speed.

That’s why when you’re on the interstate safety should be your number one concern, and there are a few key things to keep an eye out for to put yourself in the safest position possible.

1. Always Buckle Up

Although it seems obvious, reminding drivers and passengers to buckle up can be a life saving tip. Studies have shown that seatbelts save around 15,000 passengers each year, and roughly 50% of passengers who are killed in car accidents are unrestrained. 

When you’re traveling at a high rate of speed, if you get hit and you’re unrestrained, the consequences can be fatal. Whether you’re ejected from the vehicle or jostled around inside the car, you’ll likely suffer severe injuries, or worse. 

Always buckle up. It can save your life

A passenger fastening their seat belt.

2. Follow The Speed Limit

It can be tempting to ramp up the speed of your car when you’re out on the open road. Interstates are known for their elevated speed limits, and it’s not uncommon for drivers to take that speed a step further. The thing is, speed limits are not a means of just slowing down drivers for the sake of it. They are intended as a safety measure to avoid catastrophic accidents. 

We like to remind drivers that arriving 20 minutes late is infinitely better than not arriving at all. 

Stay safe and stick to the speed limit.

3. Maintain a Safe Distance 

Since you’re driving faster on the interstate, that means it also takes longer to come to a stop if you need to. If you’re driving too closely to the vehicle in front of you, you may not have enough time to react in the event they lose control of their vehicle or if traffic comes to a sudden stop. 

A good rule of thumb is you should leave enough space between you and the car in front of you that you would have three seconds to come to a complete stop.

4. Be Mindful and Considerate of Those Around You 

Cars sitting in heavy traffic on the interstate.

From motorcycles to semi-trucks, when you’re driving on the interstate there are a multitude of different types of vehicles around you. That’s why it’s critical to be aware and considerate of these other drivers. Although it’s common to get frustrated by a motorcycle weaving in and out of traffic or a semi-truck who’s driving in the fast lane, we will always recommend that you err on the side of caution, and anticipate any sudden moves other drivers might make. 

When you’re changing lanes, check twice to make sure there’s not a motorcycle coming up behind you or a semi-truck who can’t see you in their blind spot. 

When you stay fully aware of what’s going on around you, you give yourself the best chance of safely reacting to anything that may occur. 

If you’ve been injured in an accident with a big truck or while riding a motorcycle, contact our Nashville truck accident lawyers or motorcycle accident lawyers for a free case review.

5. Take Breaks If You Need Them 

One thing that is never okay is driving when you’re too tired to be on the road. Accidents occur every day as a result of a driver who was trying to push through a long road trip even though they were exhausted. 

Tired driving can be just as dangerous as drunk driving, and you should never do it. If you have passengers, take turns driving so everyone can take a break if needed. If you’re alone, find a safe place to stop and get some rest. No matter where you’re going, your safety comes first and driving tired should not be an option.

6. Carefully Exit Your Car If You Are in an Accident

In the unfortunate event that you get in an accident on the interstate, if you’re not injured and can safely exit your vehicle, you should do so as carefully as possible. Typically, after an accident, traffic will have slowed down, but there could still be cars zooming by. 

People standing outside their cars after an accident on the interstate.

If possible, getting your car as far off the road as you can is a good way to keep yourself and your passengers safe. 

If you’re unable to move or exit the car safely, you should wait for the first responders to arrive and they can help you navigate the best way to get out of the vehicle. 

With The Wolf Pack® On Your Side, You’re Never Alone. 

While all of these tips are great ways to make every effort to keep yourself and others safe as you navigate the interstate, we know accidents will still happen. At times, they’re unavoidable even if you do everything in your power to focus on safety. 

In the event you or a loved one gets hurt in an accident on the interstate in Nashville, you should know that you aren’t alone. With Attorney Phil Georges and the Wolf Pack® behind you, you can rest easy knowing we’ll fight for you every step of the way to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve to cover any and all losses. 

If you’ve been injured in an accident in Nashville, give us a call or fill out our online form to get started on a free case review today.